Horses are wonderful creatures. Many people look at them for a long time, not having the courage to start an adventure with them. This is not an easy sport. However you shouldn’t give up your dreams just because something is difficult and requires a lot of time and commitment, right?
When deciding to learn how to ride a horse, you have to be aware of the consequences of the risk of falling or kicking by the horse. There are many dangerous situations that can happen to us while dealing with horses. However, there is nothing to be discouraged – just follow a few simple rules to reduce the risk to a minimum.
The most important is to approach the horse without a shadow of fear. The horse must feel confident. We cannot show him that we are afraid, because horses sense our emotions and very often identify with them, they take them from us. If we are nervous, tense, the horse will sense it and will also be tense, and additionally it will try to escape from these unpleasant emotions, which may result in the horse being carried away.
The second important rule is not to go from behind to a horse you don’t know. When I talk about a horse you don’t know, I even mean a horse we ride a few months once a week. In the face of fear the horse, as well as the man, can do something unpredictable, that’s why you sometimes hear about accidents of riders who knew their horses from their foal.
The danger of approaching the horse from behind, lies in the fact that the horse, having a limited field of vision, can be scared that something suddenly appears out of nowhere from behind. This is just a defensive reflex. In their natural environment, horses try to run away, if they have such a possibility. In a tight box, they can’t escape, so they save themselves with a kick.
Try to walk in front of the horse, possibly under its neck all the time touching it and showing it where you are. If you are forced to walk in the back of the horse, walk around the horse with the bow as far as possible. If this is not possible, go as close to the rump as possible, using the principle of touch guide your hand over the horse’s body, showing it with a touch where you are at the moment.
Before you start learning how to ride, it is good to read a little bit about horses, their specifics, behavior, but also about the riding order, the riding itself and safety rules. The theory will not replace the experience of horse riding, but it will provide a strong basis for starting it.
The first step to start riding lessons is to choose a suitable riding centre and a qualified instructor. The centre must meet safety requirements. It is worth paying attention to the condition of the horses. To discourage is easy, and to infect with passion and teach well is art.
Falls don’t seem to happen at first. Only with time, because the more intensively we drive, the more we know how, the braver we are, the more we reach for more. A fall is no shame. It’s a sign that we’re developing and not standing still. Even the best ones fall off their horses, not only during trainings, but even during competitions and of international rank. It is important to fall safely, if you can call it that.
Riding is a unique sport – it consists in the cooperation and unity of the rider with the horse, their bonds and the common trust they have in each other. This sport is for everyone, for everyone who loves horses and is an animal lover. The most important thing is to treat a mount as a partner and friend. Only together can you enjoy horse riding and be successful in the world of equestrianism.